Spent a few hours on Bass lake to Low lake yesterday and the leaf colors were still good, the waters were smooth as glass. I was the only one on the lake except for 2 young loons. They flapped their wings as I got close to them and wailed a bit as if to say "we're here for a few more days and then flying south."
The portage from the Echo Trail to Bass lake is about 270 rods, wide and easy to walk. Took about 15 minutes as I needed to stop to enjoy the colors and smell the Fall leaves.Used a Wenonah Canak. You should try this boat sometime. Easy to carry with a pedestal yoke, weighs 42 lbs, center sliding seat and has excellent glide. I used a kayak paddle. The Canak tracks fairly straight, easy to maneuver.
Have you canoed, kayaked or hike the BWCA this time of the year? There are less people, no bugs, the crisp air is so refreshing, the juncos (birds) will be skittering along the shoreline guiding you as you move, eagles and loons are still here. One does have to come prepared for a change in the weather. Bring hats, gloves, warm socks, jacket, and step gingerly at the portages trying to keep your feet dry.
Canak - not a canoe/not a kayak |
Bass lake |
Dry Falls |